Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Serum

It seems the amount of skincare products I own has expanded a lot over the past six months. As I give more attention to cleansing and pr...

Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Serum

It seems the amount of skincare products I own has expanded a lot over the past six months. As I give more attention to cleansing and prepping my skin now, finding the right products to match my morning and evening routine has become a whole new mission.

After a lot of online research and excellent advice at the pharmacy I decided to give French based brand Caudalie's Vinoperfect Radiance Serum a try. I have normal yet dehydrated skin with one problem area, which is the chin area. This means that luckily my skin doesn't need much acne-fighting care. Nonetheless, having post-acne scars on the chin area all the time isn't fun, which is why I reached out for this serum.

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The Vinoperfect serum is supposed to be 'complexion correcting'. Caudalie promises it will fade blemishes and reduce redness. I've been using it for over a month now and these are my experiences:

When first trying the serum, I applied it to my face and neck each night before bed. The product has a milky substance that absorbs into the skin surprisingly quickly. It's moisturizing, not enough to skip moisturizer though, and gives my skin a nice glow - which is one of the brand's promises so that's a plus. After about a week I decided to leave out the serum every other day, because I felt like my skin didn't need that much.
Somewhere half through October my skin suffered from a major breakout after using a new skincare product (you'll read more about that in another article). For some reason when my skin breaks out, the best thing to do is stick to cleansing and toning only. No Vinoperfect serum for a while. When my skin had recovered, I picked up my old routine. I have been applying the serum every other or third day and for the past two weeks, my skin has been glowing again. Yay!

So far I'm pleased with Caudalie's Vinoperfect serum. The product makes my skin look more radiant and moisturized. My skin is happy. The blemishes on my face are still visible, but some of them are new scars so I can't expect them to vanish overnight. I don't use the serum as often as recommended so I can't expect quick results. I will stick to my current routine and am curious to see what the serum will do in the long term!

What is your favourite serum? Have you tried any of Caudalie's skin treatments?

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  1. hij lijkt me echt goed! ik vind een serum echt heel belangrijk, zeker nu die koude wintermaanden eraan komen

    1. Hij doet echt deugd bij het aanbrengen. Ik ben een rookie op vlak van serums dus ik ga zeker wel mijn routine proberen aanhouden nu het al kouder wordt

  2. Klinkt goed! Ik heb zelf last van een droge huid en probeer iedere keer weer andere crèmepjes. Hét serum zat er alleen nog niet bij. ;) Liefs, Rowan

    1. Ik weet niet hoe een droge huid reageert op het serum, maar bij mij voelt mijn huid meer gevoed, wat echt een zalig gevoel is. Soms breng ik het serum 's ochtends aan en ik smeer sowieso nog crème voor ik naar buiten ga. Heb je een bepaald serum op het oog, of had je het over deze?

  3. ik ben benieuwd! ik heb de laatste tijd ook een drogere huid merk ik dus misschien ga ik deze wel proberen!

    1. Super! Het serum voelt fijn aan. Laat gerust weten wat je ervan vindt als je het ook geprobeerd zou hebben! :)

  4. I want to give this a try. I love any product that gives more glow/ radiance. I'm also intrigued by the reduction of redness and blemishes.
    I have Caudalie's Instant Foaming Cleanser - Grapes and Sage as part of my regular routine, recently my boyfriend has started to use it as well. It is a great product.

    1. This serum is great for radiance. I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't write anything about the reduction of blemishes/redness yet, but I guess I'll have to be patient! I think you'll like it though!
      Does that cleanser you use contain a lot of perfume? I tried the Vinoperfect day & night cream but the scent kind of ruined it for me.

  5. You''re fabulous would you like to follow each other? Let me know and I will follow u back

    1. What a compliment! Haha thanks! Of course, I just started following your blog on Bloglovin :)

  6. Thanks so much for the tip - I'm forever trying to find a great serum. /Niki


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