Personal · Wishes for 2014
Happy New Year everyone!
I hope you all had an awesome time celebrating. The past two days have been busy for me. On New Year's Eve I met up with friends for gourmet, chocolate fondue and other treats, and board games. It was fun! New Year's Day was family time. Just a relaxed lunch and dinner, which was perfect because I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep.
Now that the house is quiet again and I've been able to catch up on some sleep, I've had the time to look back at 2013 and think about what I'd like to accomplish this year. 2013 wasn't very kind to me, mostly health-wise, so I'm obviously hoping to see that change from now on. What I am grateful for, though, is my wonderful group of friends. They pull me through every time I feel low and have given me memories I won't forget soon.
If things go according to plan, I will be moving abroad for 5 months in September thanks to the Erasmus Programme. I postponed the trip for one year because school was a bit overwhelming at the time, but this year it will happen. I'm both excited and terrified. If I do this, it means 2014 will be the most exciting year ever. But it also means I'll have to work hard to get there.
2013 may not have been great, but I am curious to see where life will bring me next. Either way, I'm starting this year without moping, time to work hard and get what I earn. Exams first, fun later!
Image source: Tumblr
I love to read such posts, really inspiring! I posted my new year resolutions as well. If you like you can check them out :) I like your blog layout :) Very clean and fresh! Xx
ReplyDeleteIk ging even op je blog kijken en zag dat je in NL woont dus ik antwoord maar in het Nederlands! ;) dankjewel Anne! Ik moet toegeven dat ik het een beetje moeilijk vind om over persoonlijke dingen te schrijven, maar ik ben blij dat jij dit soort posts leuk vindt! Dat wil zeggen dat het het waard was om te publiceren :) x