You may have noticed...

...or maybe you haven't, but Modest Mix has its own domain name ! The blog URL is something I wanted to change for a while, and now th...

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...or maybe you haven't, but Modest Mix has its own domain name! The blog URL is something I wanted to change for a while, and now that it's done I wonder why I waited that long at all. (Probably has something to do with me being a huge noob in everything technical.)

This is a quick message to let you know what's been going on - as I'm super excited, of course - but also to tell you that my Bloglovin' page has moved. I have asked the Bloglovin' admins to move my followers with the domain change, so if all goes well my blog posts should still show up in your feed. It's a small detail, but just a heads up. If you want to follow the new blog page manually, you can do that *here*.

And now back to essay writing! I've been staring at a blank page for days, so it's time to give myself a little push and finish this thing. I'll be back next week with new posts, including a giveaway. ;)

Picture is from August last year, right before the fireworks spectacle in Knokke, Belgium. That sky ♥

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  1. Yay, proficiat met de grote verhuis! Hopelijk is het vlotjes verlopen. En ondertussen volg ik je ook op je nieuwe Bloglovin' pagina :)

    1. Merci, Jasmijn! Voorlopig zit ik nog op Blogger, de overstap naar de eigen hosting zal ik een dezer dagen nog eens moeten uitdokteren :)


All images and content are copyright to Modest Mix 2013-2017.