Little things I've been enjoying

There is no point in sugarcoating it: The past two months have been the highlight of what would otherwise be a very boring year. Maybe it...

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There is no point in sugarcoating it: The past two months have been the highlight of what would otherwise be a very boring year. Maybe it's because I've been having such a good time, but lately I've been paying attention to the little things in life that would easily be overseen. I won't make this introduction any longer than it should be; most of the things listed below are self-explanatory. These are a few things that have made me happy, even if it's just for a minute of the day:

s Getting into a freshly made bed
s Woolen socks
s Movie nights 
s Sunshine peeking through the curtains in the morning
s A clean kitchen
s The sound of walking through the leaves
s The sound of stepping into a fresh layer of snow - we're truly in the North now!
s Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows
s Receiving mail from family and friends
s Re-watching episodes of How I Met Your Mother
s Waking up to a quiet house. Or what's even better, waking up to my cat calling me on the other side of the
bedroom door - I miss her.

s The view from the lakeside
s Warming my feet against the heating
s Four-minute bus rides
s Planning city trips in November

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  1. Wauw, zit je al twee maanden in Finland? Time flies! Ben blij dat je het er nog altijd goed stelt. En de kleine geneugten des levens: daar kan ik ook hard van genieten. Het krakende blaadjes-gevoel is ook één van mijn favorieten :)

    1. Ja, echt gek hoe de weken voorbij vliegen. Teken dat ik me amuseer zeker? En geen beter gevoel dan van de kleine dingen genieten, 't doet al deugd om eraan te denken haha :)

  2. Mooi happy lijstje! Geluk zit 'm in de kleine dingen eh :-)


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