In-flight beauty essentials

By the time you're reading this I am probably on my way to Finland  for the beginning of my Erasmus adventure! The past months many bl...

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By the time you're reading this I am probably on my way to Finland for the beginning of my Erasmus adventure! The past months many bloggers shared the contents of their in-flight beauty bag. I enjoyed reading this kind of blog post so much, so I thought it might be fun to show you mine. Now, we'll only be flying for 4 hours in total, I didn't want to exaggerate and bring too much stuff. But since we're going to be travelling all day, it's nice to have a small selection of products within reach which I use on a day-to-day basis anyway.

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I brought makeup remover wipes mostly to freshen up through the day. I'm wearing the tiniest amount of makeup today, but as soon as we get on the plane, all makeup is coming off. To keep my skin hydrated, I have a sample sized Caudalie Moisturizing Cream Mask and my beloved Hydréane moisturizer by La Roche-Posay. I also brought some hand products: a mini hand sanitizer and another favourite of mine, this rose and vanilla scented hand cream from & Other Stories that comes in the cutest packaging. Finally, some obvious travel essentials are toothpaste and a toothbrush to brush my teeth inbetween flights, deodorant and a hair band.

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For makeup I chose to take as little as possible in my carry-on bag - although I did throw in the Clarins Lip Perfector last-minute. The Honeymania lip balm from The Body Shop is super hydrating, which makes it a must-have for travelling. I also have eyelash curlers, mascara and a creamy concealer to apply after arriving at our destination. Mascara and concealer are the two products I'll use if I need to look semi-decent in under 5 minutes. The rest of my makeup is in my other suitcase, so it's nice to have a few basics at hand for when we set foot on Finnish grounds!

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  1. Alles wat je nodig zou kunnen hebben heb je wel bij de hand! Heel veel plezier op Erasmus en geniet ervan! Bij mij is het al een jaar geleden dat ik in Zuid-Frankrijk op Erasmus was. The time of my life!

  2. Oeh die hand crème lijkt me echt heerlijk!

  3. Wauw Finland: zo leuk! Veel plezier!

  4. Wat een handige post! Ziet er leuk uit en lekker overzichtelijk. Ik vind spulletjes meenemen in het vliegtuig altijd een drama, dus ik koop meestal van alles op de locatie zelf haha. Liefs

    1. Da's waar! Is inderdaad minder gedoe. Ik had heel lang niet gevlogen (ik denk de eerste keer in 8 jaar!) dus wou graag voorbereid zijn op de lange reis. Uiteindelijk kwam alles wat ik bij had wel goed van pas ;)


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