Philosophy Coconut Frosting

It was on  the wishlist , and now I have it baby! My friends so generously gifted me my first product from Philosophy.  Coconut Frosting ...

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It was on the wishlist, and now I have it baby! My friends so generously gifted me my first product from Philosophy. Coconut Frosting is a multifunctional bath product which serves as a shampoo, shower gel & which can even be used to make a nice bubble bath.

I'm a sucker for good bath products - especially those that smell like food. There, I said it! - and after a month of using Coconut Frosting, I can say it lives up to my expectations. It does a great job both as a shampoo and shower gel. I wouldn't say the product cleanses my hair thoroughly, but it does look pretty and shiny after washing. Unfortunately we don't own a bath tub so I haven't been able to try out the bubbles yet.

Now, the fun part about Philosophy's bath products is their name reference to food recipes, plus the actual recipe printed on the bottle! Now that I have my social life back, I can make time to do the things I like, including baking. Yesterday I tried out Philosophy's recipe and frosted chocolate cupcakes with the coconut topping. I made one adjustment: I couldn't find corn syrup so I replaced it with honey. Needless to say, the cupcakes were delicious.

What's your favourite dessert?

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  1. MMMMM philosophy is zo heerlijk!

    1. Yes! Ik sta al te popelen om meer producten te proberen

  2. Oh hey, I never REALLY paid attention to the recipe! Corn syrup is so "American" in a way. I know we don't really use it here. Glad to hear your cupcakes turned out great!

    1. True! Apparently we replace corn syrup with 'kandijsiroop' here, but even that I'd never heard of. I'm glad I chose to use honey instead, made the frosting taste so good! And thanks, they were delicious :D

  3. Ik hou van cocos! Ziet er fijn uit!

  4. Cocos is echt heerlijk, ziet er heel fijn uit!

  5. Mmmm I would love to try this one!

  6. I have the same one, it does smells delicious! Philosophy has such great products and packaging. The only downside, in my opinion, is that I always need to use body lotion afterwards because my skin isn't hydrated enough. Do you have that too? Love your writing style, it's a real pleasure to read. :D xoxo

    1. Oh, I hadn't even paid attention to that! I definitely will the next time I use Coconut Frosting, thanks for pointing that out! And thank you Raya, that means a lot! :)

  7. Deze klinkt echt heerlijk! Ik hou van coconut! <3


  8. Lijkt me gewéldig!!!!


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